Hello, my name is Josh. There are many things important to me.

  1. My faith in Jesus Christ – this informs everything else. I am a follower of the Rabbi Yeshua. As a part of this, I’m involved in multiple things.
    • I have a protestant ordination, and I am an ordained priest in the Celtic Catholic Church.
    • I lead music at New Life Fellowship Church in Concord, NC.
    • I lead a mass at a chapel at my house periodically.
    • I send a weekly newsletter to around 135 inmates in various prisons in the US and around the world.
    • My wife and I are working on launching Acacia Ministries, a ministry to serve pastors and their families who have been abused by churches, and military families.
  2. My family – I am married to Marilyn for 27 years. We have three children: Jesse, 25; Ruthie, 23; and Mikey, 20.
    • Jesse is in seminary seeking a Master’s in counseling. He is called to serve God on the mission field.
    • Ruthie is also in seminary seeking a Master’s in counseling. She is called to do counseling with ministry families specifically, and wants to help with Acacia.
    • Mikey is married to Cheyenne and is called to serve God in the military. He is working his way through the enlistment process.
  3. The military – I have served as a chaplain in the Army for almost 16 years. I currently hold the rank of Lieutenant Colonel. I love serving Soldiers and families!